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Register now for 24/7 access to orders, quotes, cases and real-time updates!

We’re making it easier for you to work with us. As an RRD client, you’ve trusted us with critical parts of your business. We take that commitment very seriously and constantly strive to improve your experience with RRD.

Register for service or  Login

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with your username and next steps to get you started using the myRRD Service Community.

We created the myRRD Service Community website as a faster way for you to get what you need, when you need it. You’ll be able to manage your account 24/7, submit quotes, orders, cases and get real-time updates.

  • Live chat with a client service agent
  • Submit and review production quotes and orders
  • Submit cases (service requests)
  • Check the status of quotes, orders, cases and shipments
  • Get real-time updates on service and production requests
  • Access real-time reports and dashboards to monitor next steps and RRD productivity

Register for service
Already registered? Login here.


81% prefer self-service before reaching out to a representative



82% agree that quick resolution is the #1 factor in great service


Watch the RRD Community Video

You’ll also benefit from more effective client support:

  • Faster resolution via self-service features, replacing manual service
  • Enhanced response times through real-time, centralized communication
  • Improved visibility into service issues, status updates and production timelines
  • Comprehensive repository of requests to reduce email traffic and time searching for communication history
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